New article in @Patterns_CP covers:
A) patterns for linking big data instruments & computers;
B) capturing such “flows” in reusable forms;
C) Globus automation services to run flows;
D) examples from synchrotron light sources;
E) implications for scientists & facilities, 1/8
A) Many instrument data capture and analysis applications engage a modest number of stereotypical patterns or "flows": e.g., acquire & quality control data; reconstruct data, train ML model on data, catalog & store data, deploy trained ML model, 2/8
B) We show how such flows can be represented in reusable forms, as a sequence of actions but with details like analyses and target instruments, computers, and repositories unspecified. We introduce the Gladier Python toolkit for that purpose, 3/8
C) We describe how flow orchestration, and mapping to specific computers, repositories, etc., can be handled by Globus Automation services, which extend the popular @globus platform to encompass flow creation, orchestration, and related tasks, 4/8
D) We present five synchrotron light source examples: x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy, serial synchrotron crystallography, 2x high-energy diffraction microscopy, ptychography. Each includes simplified code that you can run yourself, 5/8
E) We use those same five examples to illustrate experiences at experimental facilities (@advancedphoton, #LCLS) & compute facility (@argonne_lcf), examining trends in usage, compute volume, data volumes, & performance, & discuss implications for scientists and facilities, 6/8