The Famulare family COVID saga continues. Up today: rebound 🤬
With my wife Marisa's consent, here is our estimated nose/throat viral load history relative to peak since I first tested positive on day 2 of my symptoms. We're both experiencing rebound!
Next thread: relative infectiousness via mask samples. tl;dr: I'm probably at least 5000x less contagious yesterday (day 8 of symptoms, day 5 of Paxlovid) than I was on day 2 (peak).
New COVID personal science thread: observations on viral load.🧵
Fun inside!
Viral load plummeted after 4 days of Paxlovid. I did some math* to estimate changes in viral load.
*somewhere between back-of-the-envelope and semi-quantitative modeling
Feeling okay so far, so let the science fun begin!
(Not gonna lie, I've been happy to avoid COVID for the last 5 years, but I've been looking forward to having fun with it, god-willing, when it got me.)
First, this red hot positive today is on what I think is day 2 of symptoms.
Interestingly, my first symptoms were probably achey legs yesterday. (Vascular disease much??) Since last night, mild sore throat and some stuffiness. Was expecting flu or nada, COVID was a surprise!
After a lovely yesterday of festivities with three generations of chosen family, my wife’s gift to me is time to do whatever I want. Adrift after a sweet morning of tv and cuddles, and waiting to get the courage for a bracing swim, I find myself needing to write about my dad 🧵
My dad has never asked to come visit his granddaughter. Since my first trip to Seattle nearly 20 years ago, where he came to help me move, he’s never asked to come visit me. He hasn’t texted today, and it’s late enough to know he won’t. And yet, I still miss him.
Great to see estimates of the prevalence of chronic SARS2 from scientists working with the remarkable UK @ONS Covid infection Survey. Chronic prevalence (>60 days) was at least 0.1-0.5% in people infected before July 2022 (thru BA.1/2).
Gonna use this moment to grind an axe...🧵
The interesting and frustrating thing is it was possible to guess this 2 years ago. How?
1) take patient self-reported symptoms seriously
2) take the ONS long-covid symptom survey seriously (the best survey in the world for this).
I started looking at COVID forecasting papers and got angry. To move on with my life, posting a few things.
tl;dr: a huge amount of effort was wasted on COVID forecasting, and the allure of forecasting without exponentially better data is continuing to waste a lot of effort.
As an interested amateur looking to learn about personal far UV-C as an infection prevention tool, I did some playing with the 222nm irradiance data from the UV Can Lily from @joeyfox85. For those interested in learning along with me, here are notes:
Caveat #1. Did I mention I'm an amateur? While I have earned my place to claim a fair amount infectious disease transmission expertise, when it comes to UV sterilization, I'm currently at the "white guy with a physics degree" stage of personal development. HERE BE DRAGONS.
MFW all the hot takes on SARS2, polio, transmission blocking, mucosal immunity, and community-level risk differences collide🤯
The story of polio epi today is the story of how mucosal vaccines and clean indoor air will together be transformative against respiratory infections.🧵
Here's the shortest version I can muster... (42 tweets is not short.)