For 3 days I'm a user of #nostr.
A great experience and much more than just a social network trying to become the next Twitter.
Many do not know what Nostr is.
I try to explain. 👇
Back in the 90s, the internet was a place of hope and freedom. Many ppl were expecting a better society driven by a good web.
Today it's a horrible place. Money + hate rule online. We all know it has to change. But how? What makes the next web a good one? Some thoughts. #Web5
1. Money. The Internet is all about commerce. Why?
-Today it is technically possible to pay for goods online and have them delivered. 20 yrs. ago it wasn't so easy.
-The investments for an online business are quite low. Sometimes all small businesses need is a website.
I'm thrilled to announce that today is the release of the @effektio white paper.
@gnunicornBen and I are describing what EFFEKTIO will look like and why we are building it.
Any feedback is very welcome.
Das dt. #Telegram hat gerade eine Umfrage gestartet. Thema ist die Herausgabe v. Daten an 🇩🇪 Behörden. Spannend ist die Herleitung der eigentl. Fragen. Dort legt T den Spagat zw Datenschutz+Terrorgefahr offen und überlässt scheinbar d User d Entscheidung.
Gerade ein Review mit @knowify_academy gehabt. Es kommt ein toller Insta-Kurs noch diesen Monat.
Aber es gibt viele offene Fragen, auf die wir Antworten suchen.
Einzelne Produkte vs Abomodell, B2B vs B2C etc.
Kurz gesagt, super Kurse, aber wie monetarisieren? Working on it 💪🏼
With @gnunicornBen we will start our company @effektio in Lisbon, Portugal. But not only that. We are also moving from Germany to Lisbon.
This is why.
Lisbon is the startup capital of Europe. There are a lot of startups and digital nomads in a huge startup ecosystem. Also huge events like the @WebSummit moved there.
Schon wieder Montag.
Auch wenn 2 Kollegen gerade mit Corona kämpfen, schauen wir optimistisch auf diese Woche.
Es gibt viel zu tun und ich freue mich, wenn ihr bald zurück seid.