Runway Overruns are an increasing cause of concern, specially with the onset of monsoon. What if there was a way to continuously, in real time calculate the stopping distance vs rwy length. If it could give visual and aural alerts.
🧵 on Runway Overrun Prevention System (ROPS)
@Airbus developed the ROPS in response to the runway overrun events during the landing phase. It assists the flight crew during the approach and roll-out, in preventing runway overruns.
The system integrates two functions:
• A warning function, called Runway Overrun Warning (ROW), which applies in flight and is go-around oriented.
• An active protection function, referred to as Runway Overrun Protection (ROP), which applies on ground and is stop oriented.
It provides real time assessment of the possibility to land or to stop before the runway end
• Clear and directive alerts on a challenging flight phase
• An unambiguous link with pilot’s operational landing distance computations.
ROPS is certified on most in-service airplanes by a number of airlines around the world.
Limitations :
ROPS has been certified for DRY & WET rwy and with no aircraft system failure.
For contaminated rwy and/or in cases of failure ROPS :
• remains active
• does not identify contaminated runways and/or that the a/c has failures degrading its stopping performance