Welcome to LK-99 superconductor twitX corner, new here? Here are a few folks to pay attention to (or follow the list) :
twitter.com/i/lists/168444679573120614@alexkaplan0 - broke the story w/ 29M views, the king of "we're so back, it's over, we're back? " rollercoaster
@8teAPi is serving the K-drama. Who fired whom, who joined when and for how long did they work on this? Who's Lee, Who's Kim, who the hell is Kwon and why did HE release the first paper? And is Chair the guy behind this all?
Keep watching, the K-drama here is legit 🔥
@sanxiyn is the guy to watch! He started Xing in English just for yall, and is on the ground, translating, explaining Korean webforums and newspapers, and is now going to read Chair's academic history in Korea's biggest library (they aren't online) - > we don't deserve you Seo
.@MickeyShaughnes is highlighting the human aspect of this whole endeavor, calculating that even a cluster of supercomputers with 100 million years wouldn't have been able to simulate the whole surface area of finding something like this. Take THAT AI ;)
JK, I love AI 😻
.@TeraTom_S has tweeted once! from the MML international conference, (where Kwon has presented (unannounced) about the findings, despite him not being affiliated anymore)
Tom has since stopped all comms 🤔 Where are you Tom? We need boots on the ground!
As countries rush to replicate, some more international experts are needed, @elsa17z can't sleep cause of LK99 and is reporting from ... wechat screenshots? This is some dope level of verification!
Keep us posted Elsa, if there's news we want to know!
Who else should I add? Who do you trust to deliver the news wether this replicates or not? The list has more folks, scientists, academia, as we watch to see this replicate, or find out if this is BS.