Golf Is Simple!
I conducted a thought experiment where I asked myself
"what's the simplest I could reduce #golf to, while still maintaining perfect function"?
In this quick thread, I show you what I came up with.
Let's go 👇👇👇
First up, we have to ask, what is ABSOLUTELY required to hit a great #golf shot?
The answer always lies in impact. ALWAYS.
Without a good impact interval, the shot will not be good, no matter how pretty the swing.
With a good impact interval, the shot will always be good
So what do we have to satisfy at impact to hit a great shot?
the most vital elements are
🟢ground contact
🟢face contact
🟢face direction
when those are satisfied,
🟡attack angle
🟡dynamic loft
will help to optimize the shot further
So how do we get all of these with the fewest thoughts/tasks?
Well, if I said
This one task alone can create
🟣perfect ball-turf contact
🟣perfect face contact
🟣with great AOA and path
🟣with speed
Next, if I asked the person to do it
It would create
🟣functional face angle
🟣functional dynamic loft
So, the single phrase of
🟢hit this spot, with speed, in this direction, with this face orientation
is possibly the simplest you can boil golf down to.
Yet, it encompasses everything you need to play great #golf.
Do it, and you are GUARANTEED a great outcome.
Now, I never said it was easy to do - I just said it could be simple.
In my 8 week course starting THIS SUNDAY 26th MAY, I go through everything you need to be able to do this task. Improving your
Learn more here -