🚨Be careful there are scam Ordinals on Opensea🚨
Here's how to verify a @Bitcoin_Punks_ in an @EmblemVault
I put this together quickly to try and stop some of the scams. I'm not 100% certain this is correct, just the best info I have right now👇
Step 2
Confirm that you are on the legitimate @EmblemVault collection by scrolling over the "Emblem Vault" link.
The pop-up should show a volume of more than 37,000 ETH with 31k items.
🚨This is a 100% critical step, as scammers will create fake Emblem Vault collections.
Step 3
Click the "More" button in the top right-hand corner of the page.
Then click "View website"
This will open a new tab in your browser.
Step 4
In the new tab, scroll down and click this button.
Step 5
Once you click the button, a pop-up will reveal the Bitcoin wallet address contained within the Emblem Vault.
Note the address, you'll need it later.
Step 6
On Opensea, copy the number of the Bitcoin Punk.
Step 8
Paste the number of the Bitcoin Punk into the "Find Punk ID" box and click "Go"
Step 9
Hover over the image and click the "ORDS" link.
Step 10
Click on the "Minted - View inscription" link.
A new tab will open.
🚨Note that all of the "Missed" inscriptions were done after the first and are not considered part of the collection.
Step 11
Note the wallet address on the new tab.
Step 12
Now compare that wallet address with the wallet address from step 5.
In this case, they DON'T match.
So this is a FAKE 🚨 or at a minimum, the Bitcoin Punks website has not been updated with the correct first inscription.
In either case, you shouldn't buy it.