Your biggest struggle: finding related academic papers.
Get a personalized feed of the most relevant papers for you.
R Discovery helps. It's free.
I've done this manually for years, and now I can do it in 5 quick steps.
Here's the workflow for setting up your research feed ↓
1. Setting up your feed
First, create an account on R Discovery.
Then, you select:
• Your goal (choose staying updated on research topics)
• Your research area (pick main & subcategory)
Now, you can add topics of interest (suggested) to your feed.
Hit: Create my feed.
2. Personalize importance of topics
Go to your Feed settings, ensure Topics is selected.
For each topic you have selected, set its importance level:
• High
• Moderate
• Low
Adjust based on your preference.
Don't miss 'Show more' on the bottom (if you have more than 5).
Quick tip for you:
For more in-depth tips like this, read my writing newsletter and take my online course about academic writing, where you learn everything you need to know about writing an academic paper.
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3. Find high-impact journals
Go to Google Scholar.
Click on the hamburger menu → Metrics → VIEW ALL.
Then, select (same as in R Discovery)
• Your main category
• Your subcategory
You get a list of the top journals in your field based on their h5-index.
Copy this list.
4. Add those journals to your R Discovery feed
Back in Feed settings, select Journals.
At the bottom, go to Search & add journals to your feed.
Type in the names of the journals you got from Google Scholar.
You won't find high-impact conference proceedings (unfortunately).
5. View & interact with your research feed in Top Papers (bottom).
Tags highlight:
• Open Access
• Just Published
You can mark:
• Saved
• Relevant
• Not relevant
Explore similar papers or more from journal.
Best feature: translate any article into your native language.
TL;DR: @ResearcherLife_'s R Discovery Feeds
1. Set up your feed
2. Personalize your topics
3. Find journals in Google Scholar
4. Add those journals to your R Discovery feed
5. View & interact with your research feed, translate abstracts
This is 5/30 threads I'll do in June.