During my academic career, I've spent 10,000+ hours editing LaTeX.
Want to know a secret?
I use these 5 easy-to-follow LaTeX snippets every time I submit a CHI paper, and this thread will save you the time of searching for how to do them.
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When you're ready for it, there are two ways I can help you:
1. My newsletters inform you about UX, design, research, and writing. acagamic.com/newsletter
2. My writing course teaches you how to write research papers for CHI and other academic venues: acagamic.com/writingcourse
1. Use the right documentclass options before submitting your paper to CHI
How it works:
- Comment out this line of code with % \documentclass[sigconf,authordraft]{acmart}
- Then add \documentclass[manuscript,screen,review, anonymous]{acmart}
This is the right review format.
2. Format nicer-looking research questions
How it works:
Load in LaTeX doc header:
Type in LaTeX doc body:
\begin{enumerate}[label= \textbf{RQ\arabic*:}]
\item x
3. Make sure to always define acronyms before use
How it works:
Load in LaTeX doc header:
Define acronyms:
\acro{ANOVA}{Analysis of Variance}
Write the acronym in your text like this:
"We conducted an \ac{ANOVA}."
4. Create pretty quotes for qualitative findings
How it works:
Define a new command called \quoting:
Use the command like this to quote participants:
\quoting[P13]{This prototype rocked my world.}.
5. Leave highlighted comments
How it works:
Load in LaTeX doc header:
\newcommand{\lennartNote}[1]{\colorbox{highlighterYellow}{\textbf{Lennart:} \textit{#1}}}
\lennartNote{My nice comment}
TL;DR: 5 drops of my secret LaTeX sauce to write smooth #chi2023 papers
1. Use the right documentclass options for submission
2. Format nicer-looking RQs
3. Always define acronyms before use
4. Create pretty quotes for qualitative findings
5. Leave highlighted comments
Done like disco.
If you enjoyed this thread:
1. Follow me @acagamic for more tips on writing research papers
2. Buy my How to Write Better Research Papers course: chicourse.com
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