✅ TrustaLabs, A Tool That Every Hunter Dreams Of.
❯ Boost Your Airdrop Eligibility.
❯ Track. Analyze. Protect. Explore.
❯ Anti-Sybil Solution.
TrustaLabs, Provides users with insights into their engagement and value on Web3 and explores new opportunities.
❯ MEDIA Score
❯ LeaderBoard & Ranking
❯ Sybil Analysis
❯ Comprehensive Dashboard
❯ Insightful Analytics
🔸 unbx.cc/trust
Why utilize TrustaLabs?
❯ Ensure you're not identified as a Sybil.
❯ Assess your MEDIA Score.
❯ View your present wallet ranking.
❯ Top platforms to engage with in each ecosystem.
❯ Access insights, number of interactions, last transaction date, transaction volume.
What is MEDIA Score?
MEDIA Score is an on-chain user value measurement within a range of 0-100 points. It aggregates a user's on-chain behavior across five dimensions where M.E.D.I.A. Stands for Monetary, Engagement, Diversity, Identity, and Age respectively.
Explore your MEDIA Score and discover ways to enhance your score by reviewing the protocols you've engaged with on zkSync Era, Starknet, and Linea.
TrustaLabs provides a curated list of top platforms for each chain, allowing you to monitor your engagement on each one.
MEDIA Indicator System:
🟠 Monetary (25 Points)
❯ Balance
❯ Total Interaction Amount
❯ Official Bridge Amount
🟠 Engagement (30 Points)
❯ Active Days, Weeks, Months
❯ Total number of Interactions
❯ Interaction Time Span: First to Last.
🟠 Diversity (15 Points)
❯ Number of unique contracts interacted with
❯ Number of unique protocols interacted with
❯ Number of unique protocol categories interacted with
🟠 Identity (10 Points)
❯ DIDs Such as ENS, Lens.
❯ Proof-of-Humanity Such as Binance BAB, Gitcoin Passport
❯ Proof-of-Achievement Such as ARB airdrop, OP airdrop, UNI airdrop.
❯ Mainnet Gas Consumption, 1 ETH, 10ETH.
❯ Assets Owners such as BAYC or Punks NFTs
❯ Chain-specific Features, These identities represent participating in specific L2 events such as campaigns, voyages, festivals, or Odyssey. Examples are:
❯❯ Minting LIBERTAS OMNIBUS on zkSync Era
❯❯ Being a LIBERTAS OMNIBUS holder in the zkSync Era
❯❯ Starknet ID
❯❯ Quantum Leap NFT on Starknet
❯❯ Adding guardian authentication on Starknet
❯❯ Participating in on-chain campaigns such as LINEA voyages or Odyssey.
🟠 Age (20 points)
A project's early users are very valuable during the cold start phase. These users grow with the project, demonstrating a higher degree of loyalty.
❯ Days Since First Bridge
❯ Days Since First Interaction
🪞 Collect this post on Mirror to be eligible for Mirror Airdrop.
🪞 unbx.cc/HYUz