You see other channels grow every month, while you're stuck and frustrated.
Thinking, what are they doing differently from me?
Here's how to get 0 to 1M views/month on YouTube with
- ZERO prior experience
- ZERO Financial investment
- No hacks or tricks.
- In just 60-90 days.
I have to start by saying you may not have even uploaded a video yet.
Or if you're already on your journey, this will help you get to the next level.
So how can I say that you will get to 1M views in 90 days?
Honestly, 1M views/month is not a lot.
There are creators who grow to 1M, 4M, 5M or even 10M+ in a short amount of time.
The biggest difference between them and you is that they just have been improving every day with the intention.
And I'll help you do the same.
These are the exact steps to Improve just like them, 1M/month is only the beginning.
You can go a lot further depending on how much you actually do.
The guide Is separated into 2 parts:
Part 1: Daily practice routine
Part 2: Iteration Plan
These are the 5 things you need to improve at to become better at YouTube:
1. Ideas
2. Editing
3. Scriptwriting & Story
4. Camera & voice presence
5. Marketing (Thumbnails/Titles)
Out of these, Ideas are the most important.
But you need to improve your editing first.
There's also the 6th element that I didn't include: "Strategy"
As much as I and other YouTube consultants want to teach you about this, you don't need it.
You'll passively learn by seeing what works and by learning the rest.
More importantly, you need to get the basics down.
Ideas are much simpler to improve, but editing takes a lot more time and effort.
You may have the best idea but you will need a baseline level of editing in your videos to keep the viewers for the next video, hence building an audience.
Here's how you improve at each one:
1B) Think of 5-10 ideas a day and write them down.
Ideation is a muscle and you have to get better at it just like everything else in this list.
Utilize the aforementioned techniques and watch them improve over time
1C) Become more mindful of the moment, observe your thoughts and meditate.
Didn't think you'd hear this in a YouTube guide huh?
Everyone has a lot more to think and write about than they give themselves credit for.
For example:
If you use discord, look at the messages you've sent in the past or conversations you've had with other people.
You're bound to see some ideas and thoughts you already had but just didn't realize it.
Speaking of discord, if you're a:
- YouTuber/Content Creator
- Video Editor
- Thumbnail Designer
We're building a community for opportunities to learn and get work from each other.
As well as upcoming special events π
2. Editing
2A) Improve your technical skills
Learn the *how* for effects, zooms, cuts (J-Cuts, L-Cuts), motion graphics etc by searching tutorials.
Most importantly focus on cuts first, it's the foundation of every video.
Different tutorials and apply them to your next video.
2B) Understand the *TRUE* retention editing
This is not just fast-paced cuts and things always happening.
Understand the journey of the viewers through your video and how every aforementioned action affects them.
Both their overall experience and emotional journey.
2C) Music
Music is a very powerful driver of emotions
Understand the right timing to start and end.
Pay attention to how different genres, moods and speeds affect a scene.
Change each of these around and observe the changes.
Follow @OneHitWasTaken to learn more about this.
3. Scriptwriting
Just like music, your words are powerful
Whether you write a script or not you need to be mindful of the words you say.
3A) If you don't write scripts, focus on the flow of your words.
Make sure that the way you speak is not just clear, but the flow of information and topics should be easy to understand and digest.
In other words..
Not having a script is not an excuse to not control what and how you say things, in fact, it's even more important for you then.
The way you improve this is by watching back your recordings,
taking note of how and what you said, the way you reacted to something.
Another way to improve this is to take improvisation or drama classes, most importantly, observing yourself and tracking progress is crucial.
3B) If you write scripts, write fiction or non-fiction stories that have conflicts and resolutions..
Study writing techniques and apply them in your writing each time.
These could even be small stories from your day-to-day life.
Stories are everywhere, you need to start noticing them, making your own and eventually mastering them to add to your videos.
4. Camera and voice presence
4A) For visual presence record yourself talking about a topic on camera and pay attention to your movements:
- How open you are
- Gestures and whether they relate to what you're saying
- Pacing
- Variety, etc
Help the viewer visualize your words
4B) Similarly, for voice presence, improve your tonality, variance of speed, volume and punctuation of what you say.
Do this:
- Record yourself reading a book out loud and give voices to the narration and characters, do your best to immerse yourself into the world.
- Record yourself speaking about any topic you know, slow down and make sure you don't say any filler words like "Uhm" or "Hmm" and empty words such as "like" etc
5. Marketing, thumbnails and titles
5A) once again, observe.
Make a personal database of Thumbnails you find good, and note down what grabbed your attention and why they are good.
You can even note potential improvements
5B) When making your own thumbnails, look at your 5A database for inspiration, and make 5-10 thumbnails for yourself, use only 1.
Don't do A/B testing until you get 5k-10k per video, and if you do, you'll need to try thumbnails for longer as you'd have smaller view traffic.
5C) Similarly for titles, observe and make 5-10 a day with your observations in mind.
Make a database/list for those too
For 5A and 5B parts, you can follow @Scythe_Clicks and @theJayAlto
If you join our server, I'll also be giving thumbnail feedback to help you along π
5D) understand (your) audience.
In order to understand marketing, you have to understand who you're marketing for.
You cannot simply copy other thumbnails and think they will apply to your viewers.
The same goes for ideas, editing and even scriptwriting.
So now you have a routine to improve at each of this aspect, here it is
PART 1.5 The Routine:
1. Add 5-10 ideas from other videos to a list
2. Think of your own 5-10 ideas and write them down
3. Observe your thoughts and conversations, notice your ideas and write them down.
4. Learn 1 editing skill a day, once you learn them, master one after another, starting with cuts.
5. Observe your thoughts and feelings while watching your and other people's videos, including visual and story changes in the video.
6. Observe how genres, moods and speeds affect a scene when watching videos, and write it down
7. Use your existing videos to try different music for the scene and how/when it starts and ends. Try 5-10 songs and pick the best one.
8. Watch your last video or (raw) footage, observe the clarity of your sentences, structure and arrangement of information, and write down at least 3 observations each time.
9. Read about writing techniques, pick one and write a 1-2 page story every day, applying what you learned.
Keep journal of each technique you learned and applied
10. Record yourself talking for 15 minutes about any topic or telling a story, .write down things you can improve.
11. Record yourself reading a fiction book for 15 min focusing on character voices and narration, to improve your speaking range.
12. Record yourself for 15 minutes to practice your clarity, get rid of filler words.
(Make a separate YouTube brand account for all analysis tasks)
13. Look at YouTube and track 5-10 thumbnails, why they're good and what grabbed your attention and how they can be improved
14. While looking at your list of tracked thumbnails, make 5-10 thumbnails for your own videos.
15. Observe and write down 5-10 titles to your list, and write down why they're good and how they can be improved.
16. Spend 10-20 minutes with your audience (even if it's a few viewers), ask them specific questions, and find out what they like.
Write this down into different viewer profiles that your content targets.
You can do this for content other than your one
In total, this should take you 2-4 hours each day, with editing being the most time intensive, 1-4 hours a day.
Yes, all of this is hard, but it's pretty simple now that I wrote it down isn't it?
There are no tricks, hacks, easy 0 to 100M views MrBeast strategies.
It's all HARD work and experience..
for most people it takes YEARS
I've just given you a way to get this at least 2x-5x faster, potentially saving you months or even years of pointless struggling.
PART 2. How to apply this
So now the question is Quality or Quantity?
Here's the truth, In the beginning, it doesn't matter.
Below 1M views a month, nobody's going to care, and that's a good thing.
If you find one of your favourite creators back in time, you'll see their first videos just as bad.
Some creators improve with intention, and some have done it for years, but do you want it to take years or 90 Days? Or even less?
But don't fall into this following trap..
You might be thinking to improve in scriptwriting, camera and editing all at the same time in one video.
But then the production time is going to take you too long, and you won't be able to iterate as fast.
Right now you need to simply learn, apply, analyze and then iterate on one of the 5 aspects
This way you can improve the fastest.