There’s a thing which often gets forgotten when people talk and think about #innovation and #innovative solutions…
Innovation must check three boxes:
✅ it must be novel solution 🆕
✅ to real existing problem someone has 👥
✅ which makes business sense 💰
Now let’s stop briefly on “makes business sense” check;
If you do something novel on technical or theoretical level but no-one is seeing the added value, nor is willing to pay for it…not even you - e.g. through lower costs, faster execution, etc.
Then it is not true innovation. You just managed to create a different solution, not innovative one.
Many times people get annoyed when I say this, but it’s the same like when you’d be solving the problem no-one really has.
Makes no sense, right!
Use three checkboxes ✅ before you’ll call something an innovation and you’ll see your process and results improve dramatically.
People will get used to it. They will first self-check, then check with colleagues and only then they will bring any solution forward.