I got a question yesterday - how big is the product team - and the answer seemed to surprise the founder, so sharing here to have less surprised faces 😉
Who should be in the #product#team - which can be self-sufficient and empowered to create your product's future;
The product team is a small team typically with the following roles
1/ product manager
2/ interaction designer
3/ software engineers (2-5) with one acting as tech lead
Q&A and UI design can be part-time members.
As the organization grows additional roles will pop-out...
I remember from one @officialsvpg workshop that Marty said that a simple team-roles-ratio for larger products could look like this:
10 Product Managers
50 Engineers
(= 10 product teams)
and then design roles as shared resources 👇
5 Interaction Designers
1 User Researcher
2 Visual Designers
Obviously, that's for larger products so may not be your problem at the start. but you DO NEED INTERACTION DESIGNER who's able (ideally) to wear multiple hats
It's good to remember that the Product Team owns all projects, features, bug fixes, optimizations, and performance improvements related to the product.
And yes, when the organization is small, it also owns L2+ support and end-user #documentation drafting.
There should always be a technical writer finalizing end-user documentation and keeping it professionally sounding and readable by non-tech users.
This is true for #hardware and #software products alike.