How To Truly Work On Your Business, Not In Your Business
It all starts with one of those infamous time audits. I know, I know, they’re absolutely no fun. I know, I know, you’re a business owner, you have better things to do than logging your time and jotting down notes all day…
I’m telling you though — it’s important.
Every day that you spend doing repetitive, time-consuming things, or worse, every day you spend doing stuff you hate doing is a day of lost energy and joy.
That’s not why you built a business, is it?
It doesn’t have to be anything super fancy. Pen and paper tends to work well because it becomes a bit more real. It’s easy to lose yourself in a myriad of Excel spreadsheets and time-tracking/productivity apps.
Keep it simple, do what works for you. If you have an executive assistant, ask them to hold you accountable for this.
Start taking a look at the tasks you write down.
(See below for more info on EAs)
Ask yourself…
• What tasks am I doing that are repetitive? (write an R)
• What tasks am I doing that are time consuming? (write a C)
• What tasks do I love doing? (write an L)
• What tasks do I hate doing? (write an H)
Of course, you can start getting more nitty-gritty and writing down what really makes money (more on that later), but for now, start here.
Tasks that have Rs, Cs, and Hs —
Start thinking about getting them off your plate so you can stop working on your business, not in your business.
Automate Or Delegate?
There’s tons of powerful software out there that can easily automate some repetitive processes to get them off your plate.
• Sending out Slack invites to new clients
• Parts of the onboarding process
• Auto-responders
The list is endless. You shouldn’t just hire out a role because you think you need it, you should have a good, long, hard think about whether a simple snip of code can replace you (and this is even with the fact that I run a hiring agency in mind!)
If you can automate it — do it