There is a serious amount of information overload in today's world.
How to Manage Your Precious Time & Energy as a Business Owner
Everywhere you look, everything is attached to a screen. Everybody expects to be in constant communication. People expect responses and things to be solved in mere minutes instead of what would have used to have taken days.
It’s out of control.
The result?
You, as a business owner, your time has become more and more precious than ever before. Meaning that you must protect that time (and your energy) with more savageness than ever before.
(Actually this doesn’t just apply to business owners, really everybody who uses any technology consistently — so all of you)
How do you deal with it?
First things first is to find the systems that actually work for you.
Some people still do really well with pen and paper (I’m one of them).
But, it is cumbersome…
You’re not realistically going to track your P&L in a notebook, are you?
What about personal things, like your training progress at the gym?
Try to find what works for you.
In my case, I write scratch notes in convenient places (like Notes app), if thoughts come to me when I am out and about. I then send them to my assistant to add to important, longer-term documents that are built in Google Sheets, Trello, etc.
Same thing with personal stuff — I keep my phone in the locker at the gym and don’t touch it. I write everything down in a notebook, snap a quick pic, and it gets put into my spreadsheet.
This is what works for me.
But what works for me will not necessarily work for you.
What's the bottom line?
That you need to protect your time, energy, and effort more than ever before…because every little notification or dinging noise from your phone is attempting to steal that away from you.
As mentioned, it’ll take trial and error.
Now, if bringing on a high-level person to help you sort some of this would be helpful (i.e. hiring an executive assistant)…I can help.
Click the link in the next tweet and you’ll see how HireUA can place an elite talent in your business in only 5 days, while saving you 6-figures a year: