


⚖️ A decentralized arbitration protocol for disputes in the onchain economy. We're Hiring! kleros.io/career $PNK | t.me/kleros

Introducing Seer: Crafting Smarter Prediction Markets

Kleros Blocks Attack on POH Governor, Saves 46 ETH

Kleros Fellowship of Justice: Join the Future of Decentralized Justice

Introducing Kleros 2.0 Testnet: Explore the New Features

Introducing MetaMask Snaps: Navigating Web3 with Kleros Scout

New Incentive Program: Earn PNK by Contributing to Web3 and DeFi Saftey

Kleros' Founder's Bootcamp: Elevate Your Startup Journey

Coding Clairvoyance - Predicting the Future with AI and Blockchain

The Role of Design in Revolutionizing Justice and ODR

Social Recovery: Protecting Your Crypto Assets