I’m starting my first React.js/TypeScript project for a client today ⚛️
This will be a fun change of pace. I've worked on so many "traditional" static websites over the past ten years—I'm eager to use my skills to begin building more web applications 🤗
Wish me luck!
Luck isn't required, however, as preparation is on my side. I've spent the past week preparing myself with some excellent resources from some great folks 🧠
I'll give a huge shoutout to @fireship_dev for all the content they've shared, teaching so many aspects of web development. I love the clear and concise format of their videos
Specifically, I loved working through this Next.js/React.js/Firebase course 👌🏻
Shout-out to @wesbos for his React for Beginners course as well. I took this course a couple of years ago and despite not putting my newfound React.js skills to much use, it provided a valuable foundation for diving back into the React ecosystem 🤿
Perhaps under-appreciated are the folks who maintain the @reactjs documentation, which has been a handy resource as I learn the ins and outs of the API 👏🏻
Thank you to everyone who takes the time to write documentation! ❤️
Next on my slate is working through Epic React from @kentcdodds. This seems like a promising resource for bringing my React knowledge to a new level.
I'm eager to begin working through this 💪🏻