Do you know 【HOW WORDS ARE FORMED】in English? 🤔
I do. And I'd like to teach you in less than 【2 MINUTES】.
Check out this quick thread 👇🏻
It means creating a word by 【ADDING UP】 two or more different words.
⭐️ book + case = bookcase
⭐️ sign + post = signpost
⭐️ watch + man = watchman
This process normally happens when adding a 【SUFFIX OR PREFFIX】.
⭐️ urgent (adjective) + -cy = urgency (noun)
⭐️ ir- + responsible (adjective) + -y = irresponsibly (adverb)
⭐️ national (adjective) + -ise = nationalise
Conversion happens when a word 【CHANGES ITS WORD CLASS 】
E.g.: verb "to google" is formed from noun "Google".
⭐️ I emailed this document to John. (emailed comes from the noun email)
⭐️ He was bullied at school as a child. (bullied comes from the noun bully)
BLENDING (My favourite!)
This involves taking a 【PART OF TWO DIFFERENT WORDS】to make a new word.
⭐️ channel + tunnel = chunnel
⭐️ motor + hotel = motel
⭐️ work + alcoholic = workaholic
Cool, huh?
When we abbreviate a word, we form another word by 【SHORTENING】 it or simply by using only part of the word:
⭐️ Perambulator –> pram
⭐️ Veterinary –> vet
And there are two types of abbreviation: clipping and acronyms.
This process means 【CUTTING】 the word to make it shorter
⭐️ advertisement = ad
⭐️ hamburger = burger
⭐️ demonstration = demo
Acronyms are words formed by using only the 【FIRST LETTERS】 of the words.
⭐️ LOL = laughing out loud = LOL
⭐️ UN = United Nations = UN
⭐️ RADAR = radio detection and ranging
This process basically involves coming up with a 【COMPLETELY NEW WORD】without any of the processes above.
⭐️ puzzle
⭐️ bash
⭐️ gimmick
⭐️ gadget
This involves 【SPELLING A WORD DIFFERENTLY】in order to make it more practical, attractive, or to fulfil some particular aim, usually commercial.
⭐️ because –> bcoz
⭐️ light –> lite
⭐️ forever –> 4eva
⭐️ Combat –> Kombat
In linguistics, a loan happens when we take a word directly from a【FOREIGN LANGUAGE】.
⭐️ solo (from Spanish)
⭐️ pizza (from Italian)
⭐️ tapas (from Spanish)
⭐️ negro (from Spanish)
⭐️ carpe diem (from Latin)
⭐️ cul de sac (from French)