Inspired by our dear #msdyn365bc librarian being open with a mental health topic, I realized (was reminded) it's beneficial to hear the challenges of people you respect and admire - that it validates sometimes feeling like things are tough.
So, a small topic on this from me:
ADHD/spectrum brains tend to have what are charmingly referred to as "comorbidities". I like to think of it as getting a sampler pack from the buffet of extra life features - not all of them are great, sure, but some are just different.
One thing I've struggled with - a common two-pack, Rejection Sensitivity and Social Anxiety. This has made the last couple of years for me in the space somewhat surreal.
Rejection Sensitivity is all sorts of "fun". I'd be hard-pressed to describe it better than ADHD_Alien (in the comic below):
Combine RSD with the spectrum hard wiring that negative interactions literally are 10x more likely to be remembered in vivid detail (I can remember perfectly saying something embarrassing in 2012), and it's very hard to *want* to speak in group settings.
Social anxiety is a pretty reasonable thing to join in with that - if you're going to remember the Bad Stuff for decades+, of course you're terrified to be around the possibility. Every conversation is a minefield!
And if you're an "expert", what if, instead of just saying something embarrassing, you are flat-out wrong? Ooof!
The fact that I'm able to be outspoken enough to be an MVP, to do podcasts, give talks, all that?
The odds weren't in my favor. Once, someone asked me to clarify what I meant with a word choice and I was *terrified*, poring over a recording 20-30 times.
But, what has made it possible? Not *quite* so terrifying?
Kindness. The more notable, outspoken, and influential voices in our #msdyn365bc space?
They're incredibly kind, mean well, want to help, and want things to work out well for people - even quibbles about small things like variable names are to try to make a life with BC better for future developers and customers, mind!
So many of you cheer people on, help new voices join in, and welcome people.
Thank you for that. The world's a scary place sometimes, and anxiety is a jerkface. But this corner of it? Pretty darned good.