Indian #woman were cultivators, astrologers, mothers, artisans, since beginning of civilization untill 2nd millennium bce (the archaeological records are missing for next 1.5k years for unknown reasons)
Nath, fingure rings, saree, are shackles Indian woman happily wore.
I am sure they will wear it consciously
Despite my days effort, i couldn't find your claim of Mahant restricting Indian woman's choice to dress. Please share any link so we can address it accordingly.
This startling and contrasting pic may throw some light on status of Indian woman in Hindu vs Moollaa reign
1st pic during Hindu rulers, 2nd pic after series of invasions
Last but not the least don't block me. Let us debate on issues relating to our matri and matribhumi. Let's work together on nation building leaving aside our differences 🙏
Hope you will find above information in right spirit