Fancy a move to BEAUTIFUL Newfoundland ?
2 x fulltime (regional rural Cat A) FFS ER positions immediately available.
CCFP(EM) not required.
Adequately paid : current incumbents = approx $ 500k per annum, no overhead.
Walk in to your shift, walk away at the end of your shift.
Shifts cycle in a predictable templated format, with a guaranteed equitable spread of days and nights, and allows you to plan up to a year in advance.
Guaranteed income, you can't lose your allocated shift without your consent. Internal swaps prn feasible and encouraged.
Template is sequenced for optimal diurnal shifting : day / day / night / night, followed by a sequence of 4 off. Walk away and relax !
WELL supported : General Internists / General Surgeons / O&G / Peds / Anesthesia and RTs / Radiology / Hospitalists / ICU / CT scanner, what more could you ask for ?
Superb community, I've been here for 23 years and counting...
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