Ex NL / want to come back ? Incentive $ 100k. Or others wanting change ? Consider Clarenville. 1 x FFS FTE ER MD (EM not required), $ 460-510 k pa, NO overhead. Lifestyle, walk in / walk away, focused EM shifts. Mmm, sunrise from my deck, buddy fishing in the ocean below :
$232.04 / hr. 10 hr dayshifts, 14 hr nightshifts. Dual MD 8 hrs on 3 dayshifts / week. ER NP 8am-4pm M-F. 8 bed ER, OR, 4 bed ICU, 40 ward beds. Dedicated ER portable U/S in ER. CT scanner, . Int Med / Gen Sur / O&G / Ped / Anes / RT / Hospitalists.
50/50 mix of CTAS 1-3 vs. CTAS 4-5.
Avg 20-25 / shift, 2 / hr. Decent quality possible, NOT a numbers mill.
We are not a factory floor, people are not inanimate widgets, LEAN / X32 is not our deity : individual patients matter, and geriatric complexity is real.
Regional rural hospital. Community 10k or so, larger catchment area. NO TRAFFIC JAMS. 2 lights and 7 min from my front door to ER. Rock solid Newfoundlanders, salt of the earth. I've been here for 21 years, and wouldn't exchange it for ANYWHERE. Mmmm, sunset from my deck :