Have you ever imagined being paid to give your opinion?
Amazon now pays you up to $5,724 a month.
Here's how you can start today (for free) ↓
1/ Access the Amazon website
Next, go to the electronics category and filter all products that are sold for more than $100:
2/ Go to ChatGPT
Once you've selected your product, ask ChatGPT to provide you with positive and negative product reviews:
ChatGPT will optimize your time by listing all the reviews it has found on your product, so you don't have to spend hours doing it yourself.
3/ Create a review video with AI
Access FlikiAI and copy and paste the script written by GPT Chat into this video editing software. You will obtain a review video of your product, presented by an AI avatar:
Fliki is a free application that allows you not to show your face.
4/ Publish the video on Youtube
This is probably the most important part of this topic. You have to upload the video and publish it on YouTube.
When the video is published, you need to place your affiliate link in the description:
Anyone interested in buying this product will find your video. And every time they click on your affiliate link, you'll earn up to $23.12:
5/ Simply repeat this procedure with several products until you reach the $5,700 mark:
Once you've built up a large list of items, you can even generate videos in different languages to further increase your commissions.
Discover the step-by-step plan to go from $0 to 5,000 per month in 30 days, thanks to the product review business
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That's all for now.
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