Aka meta-transactions and is when a 3rd party covers tx cost for a user
This is especially beneficial for onboarding of new users since it can remove the need for having a token
Ex. Many actions in web3 games require writing to the blockchain
In order to offer a truly amazing web3 experience you don’t want your users stopping to execute txs
Or needing crypto in order to play
Another example is creating your Herotag after downloading @xPortalApp
Your HT is written to the ⛓️ but there is no cost to the user
Another huge innovation that allows users to pay for transactions with ANY ESDT token
Imagine a web3 Title company and you need to obtain a copy of your car title
But for payment and minting they require USDC and you only have EGLD
Well it’s not ideal for adoption if a user has to go swap currency in order to interact with a dapp
So now the user will see the option to pay and can pay with any token easily
Another necessary step for adoption!
The ability to have multiple actions/operations in one transaction
For example, claiming metabonding rewards that claims all tokens in one tx
Or creating an LP pair with only 1 token and 1 tx containing 28 operations on @xExchangeApp 👀
Another HUGE use case for multi-calls will come into play with EVM compatibility
Approvals are a major risk and with multi-calls you can program
Approve -> Execute -> revokeApproval
All in 1 transaction/user interaction allowing for a MUCH safer environment for ETH users
Did you know that when you download @xPortalApp you create a HeroTag for free?
Your HeroTag is an account nickname and domain similar to an ENS on #ETH but FREE!
The benefits of this cannot be understated
You can send crypto by using someone’s HeroTag
Similar to the web2 experience we are all accustom to and far better than the long 0x000 public key
It also allows for compete chain abstraction and linking of numerous wallets too 🔥
Offering security for your account and assets that is unmatched!
Download @xPortalApp
Activate Invisible Guardian
Sleep well knowing you now have industry leading security for your crypto! 🔐
This is in my opinion the end game state for crypto and where it must go for mass adoption
Thankfully @MultiversX is WAY ahead of the game here
What this means in a nutshell is the ability to interact in web3 with no knowledge of blockchain or even crypto
In the future, and even in some cases now, you can play a game and be unaware it is on the blockchain
Two great examples are @CathenaKnights and @CantinaRoyale
No knowledge of seed phrases or private keys
Just use your @xPortalApp wallet and interact with dapps all across web3
Send crypto to friends on any chain simply using their HeroTag
6 chains - 1 HeroTag
With more to come
It doesn’t get any easier than this! 🔥
Fairly self explanatory
With this you will be able to use web3 payments for subscription services
Without the risk of giving unlimited approval or access to your wallet which is common on #ETH and EVM
This is how users will be able to easily control their accounts safely from their smart phone
Without the need of seed phrases which are clunky & not ideal for mass adoption
Many of the above are necccesary for this to be possible such as paymaster & relayed tx
The addition of this coming early 2025 will make @MultiversX the ultimate scaling machine
Capable of millions and tens of millions of TPS
All while preserving best-in-class security and industry leading decentralization
Well #MultiversX is already fully sharded but not only that, they are adaptively sharded
Meaning the network can add shards when demand calls for it
Current throughput is 10k TPS per shard with 3 shards active
That number will increase to 30k per shard in 2024
With the addition of parallel processing TPS is projected to reach over 100k TPS per shard
Again, that is PER SHARD and their meta chain structure can handle thousands of shards
Yes, thousands!
1k shards X 100k TPS per shard = 100,000,000 TPS 🤯
Put all those pieces together and you have the perfect blockchain architecture
Sleeping on @MultiversX would be a huge mistake!
If you want to dive in then check out this video as it goes over everything you need to get started ⬇️