1/ I have used over 20 ⛓️ extensively and researched well over 50
I have used 8 ⛓️ just this past week and have 15 wallets on my phone right now
Only 1 keeps me coming back and I feel is truly preparing for adoption
2/ It is @MultiversX 💯
I am NOT a maxi
BUT I do have strong opinions and thoughts on MANY projects
Why? 🤔
Because I research anywhere from 4-8 hours a day
You could say it is my “job”
There is a decent chance I may know more about your favorite top 100 project than you do
3/ I don’t say that to toot my own horn but to show I’m not a fanboy living in a bubble
Yes, I have probably used your favorite ⛓️ a lot if it has been out a year+
I’ve also probably used your favorite dapp/wallet
No, I don’t think it’s better than @MultiversX or @xPortalApp
4/ It may be slightly cheaper but $.001 isn’t going to break me
It may also be faster but I’m not going to lose sleep over 2 seconds either
I am always open to trying new things and being proven wrong though
But come with facts, figures, and a good UI.
NOT baseless claims
5/ Gasp, he used the “F” word 😳
Yes, FACTS! Something I know many are afraid of 😱
Regardless, I’m still human. Sometimes I get stuff wrong but I’m also the first to admit it 💯
I posted something incorrect about #HBAR and quickly issued a retraction and apology
6/ Anyways, so why am I so bullish on @MultiversX then?
The team is building for sustainability and the adoption that is to come
Truly working to solve the blockchain trilemma
And yes, I’m sure you favorite ⛓️ is too but let people know how. We need more quality content.
6/ Anyways, todays users and adoption don’t even make up 5% of the 🌎 population
I truly believe blockchain and DLT tech will be used by 50%+ of the 🌎 population this decade
We may be looking at millions if not billions of TPS 🤯
The ability to scale efficiently will be 🔑
7/ #MultiversX formerly Elrond is a fully sharded network that is building exactly for that
Not todays 5k TPS or tomorrows 50k TPS but the ability to potentially handle millions of TPS
No need to rely solely on hardware upgrades which no longer increase exponentially
9/ Sharding, and more specifically “Adaptive” sharding allows a network to scale almost infinitely
When demand increases another shard can be spun up
Allowing for an additional 10-15k+ TPS without sacrificing security
How? Because #MultiversX also implemented network sharding
10/ This allows the ⛓️ to randomly shuffles nodes every epoch making it impossible to predict
While other chains will have to increase hardware requirements or add Layer 3/4/5 etc.
#MultiversX scales naturally without the need for any of that
11/ @MultiversX also uses an improved version of PoS called Secure Proof of Stake(SPoS)
This allows for a fair and equitable environment to secure the network
Block producers are chosen at random based on a rating determined by previous behavior
NOT solely based on stake size
12/ Many other networks choose block producers primarily on stake weight, ie. the bigger your bag the more chance of producing a block
Meaning whales benefit MUCH more making it difficult to be profitable for the small guys
This may also have an impact on future network growth
13/ Because of this fair and equitable SPoS, #MultiversX is one of the more decentralized ⛓️
With currently 3200 nodes which is 2nd behind #ETH
Governance is in the works and has been used previously but still has a ways to go
Hopefully something we will see in 2023 🤞
14/ Alongside Adaptive Sharding and SPoS @MultiversX also has a blazing fast VM
Utilizing WASM it can execute SC’s written in MANY popular languages
Allowing for non #web3 developers to easily transition into the crypto world
Meaning the large majority of devs worldwide! 🔥
15/ The @MultiversX VM is also stateless allowing it to avoid having to revert operations
That is because data is only added to the ⛓️ upon successful completion of a tx
Utilizing WASMER they can execute SC at near-native speed
Making it an incredibly fast and efficient VM 🥇
17/ Due to its sharded architecture some believe that this breaks composability
Fortunately this is not the case as SC’s can call on one another across shards using the VM
The call can either be synchronous or asynchronous depending on if the SC’s reside in the same shard
18/ The SC developer never has to worry about this too 🔥
In layman’s terms, anyone can interact with any SC or multiple SC’s easily on any shard with no issues
Another thing that helps with this is the ESDT token standard
Native tokens that can freely travel with no SC needed
21/ I can say with full confidence that @MultiversX has some of if not THE best tech in crypto
Just take some time to look into it. What do you have to lose?
Don’t agree then you lost nothing and I’d ❤️ to have a chat to hear your side
Agree and you just found a gem! 💎 $EGLD