Did Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhāb Falsely Attribute a Kufri Belief to Others?
[A Thread 🧵 ]
These arguments set below are from the Islamic Discourse substack by Bassam Zawwadi who translated from Shaykh Faisal al-Jasim’s book, Ḥaqiqat aṣ-Ṣirā‘ fī Tārīkh Da‘wat ash-Shaykh Muḥammad bin ‘Abdul Wahhāb, pp. 107-110.
Trying to project a repentance upon the scholars of Ahl Al-Sunnah due to your own scholars undergoing it will not do you much good.
Here is a short thread 🧵 on this straw they're clutching onto regarding Shaykh Al-Islam (rh)