One thing I didn't expect as a beginning Professional Creative was the emotional roller-coaster I'd sometimes end up on...
π Imposter Syndrome
π Does My Content Suck?
π Not Growing Fast Enough
π Do I suck?
π Etc.
Here's 5 rules I use so I don't get stuck in negativity:
π« Commit To A Process
As @JamesClear says: "You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."
You should have good processes in place to get work done REGARDLESS of how you feel, or what moods you're wrestling with at any given moment.
π« Work At 60% Effort
Any marathoner will tell you, if you start out running as fast as you possibly can, you'll be done by the time you hit the second mile.
In a similar way, its important to work at a pace you can reliably keep up forever (or at least as long as you need to).
π« Find A Tribe
When things suck (and they WILL suck) it's important to be able to turn to others who know the struggle and VENT.
Just being able to acknowledge the suck with people who understand what you're going through can make all the difference.
π« Stop Checking Metrics
It is SO easy to check your analytics every day... every hour... every minute. But (especially at the beginning) checking metrics too often is a recipe for confirming that nothing is happening.
The discipline is NOT to check the metrics so frequently!
π« Have Hobbies
If your work is EVERYTHING, you're going to struggle.
There is a LOT to be said for being able to step away. Focusing on something else allows your subconscious to work in the background and often gives perspective and insight which benefits the work.
TL;DR - 5 rules I follow so I don't get stuck in patterns of negativity as a creative:
π« Commit To A Process
π« Work At 60% Effort
π« Find A Tribe
π« Stop Checking Metrics
π« Have Hobbies