With partners MAREM, @pescaabc & Arcadia Social & Environmental Research Network, @PronaturaNoroes is working with fishers & authorities to develop a co-regulation approach where fishers take more responsibility for developing & managing sustainable fisheries in #vaquita habitat
Panchito's back!
Gone since Sept, San Felipe's visiting (3x in 2 yrs) vagrant southern elephant seal now roaming Sea of Cortez comes 1st time in winter.
AMMAG (community wildlife group): "Confirming it is Panchito by distinguishing marks he has; he is plump & very good condition"
The @CECweb Secretariat delayed its report (factual record) on Mexico's enforcement of its envtl laws to protect #vaquita porpoise, a USMCA treaty obligation, to Feb 10 - just not in time for @CITES#SC78 which meets Feb 3-8 (& whose Sec is late with its own docs on the subject).